Using OIDC to integrate GitHub Actions with AWS
·3 mins
Recently I came across a quick read by Ryan Cormack where he described how he integrated Github Actions with AWS using CDK and OIDC.
dotnet Lambda Authorizer with 3rd party Identity Provider
·11 mins
Intro #Event Driven Architecture (EDA) is a hot topic of conversation at the moment, and while the pattern is not entirely new, David Boyne has done a great job summarizing the patterns in a visual way on the Serverless Land website.
Injecting Secrets from Secrets Manager with Dependency Injection
·6 mins
In a recent AWS blog post, Dror Helper talked about using Secrets Manager to manage app configuration.
Website Theme Change - Congo
·1 min
It has been a while since my last post because I haven’t had much to say lately.
NRECA Reduces Infrastructure Costs by 30%
·1 min
Recently I was asked to participate in a case study regarding NRECA's cloud journey, more specifically how NRECA is using Apptio's Cloudability tool for cost management of our cloud resources.